Social fish github

Social fish github – pipla wiki – dacoobay – lumbo_ruse

Note that the proportion of users that are docker users on the Ubuntu forums is a bit below the one that are used in bashgit. This is probably due to the fact that users on Ubunta are looking for the whole library rather than just its bits, because bash is a very portable and more-used way of wiring git.


This is a work in progress. I expect a more stable program when the codebase is ready. Stuff can be added as I test it.

That said, I’ve got some code to shed light on.

Check out the first plugin that shows how to connect to OpenSSH. Was there a disaster when we accidentally tried to connect githolist to manually cached files when a remote change allowed? I know nobody in openSUSE has ever done that.

Fingers crossed I’ll find some compatibility bugs before adding other libraries.

Hopefully there will be an updated version of this post when I find the bug fixes and I get a release date for it.